Countermeasures for electromagnetic targeting & Havana Syndrome:
slowly-rotating magnets
The x-ELF magnetic field jammer by Dr. Robert Duncan
Dr. Robert Duncan had created a countermeasure against electromagnetic targeting, which he called the "xLF-jammer."
More specifically: x(extra)-ELF(extremely low frequency) magnetic field jammer.
This would block the carrier waves that are used for neural synchronization.
Dr. Duncan referred to: The "Bermuda Triangle", x(extra)-ELF(extremely low frequency) magnetic field jammer + Earthing kit.
The magnetic field jammer was to be used with an earthing kit (blocking the electric field).
Dr. Duncan had created a few prototypes. One of the persons who had obtained one, had measured the generated signal using an Aaronia analyzer equipped with a static field detector. He had sent the picture on the left which was published by Dr. Duncan in a post.
It is noted that the generated magnetic field strength is below 400 pT. An RWB or resolution bandwidth of 0.3 Hz is marked.
Dr. Duncan would refer to the jammer by the name "Bermuda triangle", in reference to the fact that compasses do not work in its presence.
The following were published on his webpage:
Quotes from customers:
"I felt some differences already. I can feel myself. Before Was like being in sensory deprivation tank."
(Reason, it breaks the bonds of remote hypnotic intercerebral control. Old CIA weapon - RHIC.)
The dark forces of the world's only military superpower have placed the world under a hypnotic spell. These devices help break that spell.
Criticisms: The clicking sound is difficult to get used to and without earplugs, I can't sleep.
(Recommendation: Don't use x-elf jammer while sleeping or put in a nearby closet within 5 feet. Try placing it on different soft surfaces. Reduce magnetic field strength while sleeping. All will reduce the noise. We are also experimenting with sound dampening technologies.
What are the countermeasures that should be used against electromagnetic targeting and Havana Syndrome?
Is there something like a jammer? What is the type of wave that the victims are struggling against?
It is suggested to use this countermeasure principle: a setting of two neodymium magnets being slowly rotated automatically in opposite directions.
It is recommended that the magnets are in opposed polarization (repelling each other) to provide improved magnetic flux variations. The axes of their rotation are to be be anti-parallel (i.e. both may be horizontal but rotating in opposite directions).
Alternatively, a 3D system with magnets rotating in x,y, z directions may be used.
The above can be implemented using an Arduino system, a robotic LEGO system (Figure 1) or a Raspberry Pi system (Figure 3).
It is noted that the remote targeting systems use "adaptive filters" which try to learn the dominant pattern of our system (brain/biofield) and to adapt to it; at the same time, they will be filtering out generic noise or regular repeating patterns found in the environment, such as Wi-Fi etc.
Therefore, if we use a random pattern for magnet movement, it will be quickly filtered out, and the remote system will establish a lock-on onto our system. Same if we use a repeating pattern.
However, if we change the pattern periodically, the system will be constantly trying to adapt to it, and will thereby have difficulty in obtaining a lock-on onto our system.
It must be noted that the primary countermeasure to be used is always the cancelation of the electric component of the electromagnetic targeting. Any additional countermeasures come next. Therefore, this kind of countermeasure, which is of the "magnetic type", must always be used with earthing/grounding to a previously verified Earth.
As previously mentioned, having magnets rotating next to one's head is not the solution. This is where we need further help when someone shows the way.
Figure 1: LEGO system implementation
Figure 2: Raspberry Pi implementation
Community research - Raspberry Pi implementation
Videos of different phases of system development are provided below.
Please also refer to Figure 2.
The last one includes an effort of measuring the field generated by the countermeasure.
"Step Motor PI" (6th June 2020):
"2-step motors running" (7th June 2020):
"PI rotate frame" (7th June 2020):