EM detection using a SDR spectrum analyzer program


McLean C. (2019): ”Detection of Frequencies that could be used for Electronic Harassment and Electrosensitivity” (GoogleDrive URL) | Program/Code: https://github.com/ClintMclean74/SDRSpectrumAnalyzerProtocol


1. Obtain an RTL-SDR dongle preferably with an antenna. The RTL2832U-R820T2 dongle has been tested with the program and is recommended. You may refer to the RTL-SDR store at this link https://www.rtl-sdr.com/buy-rtl-sdr-dvb-t-dongles/, where this dongle is cited as V3.

(Note: the R820T2 tuner chip receives frequencies from 25MHz to 1700MHz) 

2. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer for installation and use with a suggested driver. If a driver is not indicated, you may use SDR# (SDR “Sharp”) which is the most commonly used SDR program on Windows (refer to https://www.rtl-sdr.com/rtl-sdr-quick-start-guide/). 

3. To test that the dongle is working correctly, try to tune to a FM radio station of your choice by selecting its frequency in MHz and using FM demodulation, in order to demodulate the signal and listen to the broadcast (the sound that is modulated on the electromagnetic wave).

4. It is suggested to place the antenna of your dongle for instance on your desk by your PC at a distance of 20 cm from yourself. You can do this while working on your computer. The system will run the analysis unattended.

5. From https://github.com/ClintMclean74/SDRSpectrumAnalyzer click on “Code” and select “Download ZIP” (Figure 1, red rectangle).

Figure 1

6. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file “SDRSpectrumAnalyzer-master.zip”.

7. Navigate to subfolder “Build” and double-click on the executable file “RTLSpectrumAnalyzerGUI” (“RTLSpectrumAnalyzerGUI.exe”) shown in Figure 2 (green rectangle).

Figure 2

8. The “Welcome” screen will appear. Make sure you have installed your dongle. If you have not, the following Windows dialogue will appear on top (Figure 3).

Figure 3

If you have installed your dongle then in the welcome screen click on “Ok”.

9. The “QuickStart” screen will appear. You may deselect “Near Far Automatic Analysis” for the first session. You may deselect “Launch on Startup”, if you do not wish that the program is initiated each time you start up your computer.

10. If you wish to conduct an analysis with the default values of Start Frequency of 410 MHz, End Frequency of 490 MHz and Step size of 1000 Hz click on OK. 

11. Otherwise, close the screen and select values. Then, click on Record Near Series to obtain a series of measurements while the antenna is at a distance of approximately 20 cm from yourself.

12. The time of measurement is to be decided. You will notice that instead of time, there is number of frames acquired.

13. Click on Stop Recording. Place the antenna away from you and click on Record Far Series to obtain a series of measurements while the antenna is located far away from you.

14. Examine “Interesting signals”.

Figure 4: Figure from Clint McLean's paper entitled ”Detection of Frequencies that could be used for Electronic Harassment and Electrosensitivity” (GoogleDrive URL

Demonstration of detection of signal linked to electromagnetic targeting 

Use of a RTL-SDR dongle (Software-Defined Radio)



🔹 An electromagnetic detector with antenna is placed at the yellow spot shown in the small picture. 

🔹 The frequency of 434 MHz is monitored. This frequency is represented by the peak shown on the right.

🔹The strength of this frequency signal is represented by the thick red line.

When the person stands on this spot, the strength of this signal is increased as shown by the graph and the sound.

When the person steps away from this spot, the strength of the signal decreases.

More details in the description of the video.

Figure 5: Demonstration of detection of signal linked to electromagnetic targeting. Screen captures from video at https://youtu.be/sP4ZjyrfuUo?t=256.