Soviet Woodpecker RADAR signal
BBC Horizon show (1982) investigates the “Soviet Woodpecker" electromagnetic signal
The BBC documentary television series "Horizon" had investigated in 1982 the Soviet Woodpecker signal.
Reference: (playlist:
Bob Symes: "The noise is called the Woodpecker because it makes this pecking noise 10 times per second. It is being going on since 1976 and has blotted out radiotransmissions on frequencies between 6 and 20 MGHz. Ten pulses a second is extremely low frequency. The Woodpecker has been traced to Latvia, there seems to be a second trasmitter near Kiev and the third further to the East. It is not jamming, it is too random. So what are the Russians up to ?"
1st Hypothesis: An over-the-horizon radar
"The Russians might be trying a form of over-the-horizon radar which would allow them to locate incoming objects with extreme accuracy even if they are totally out of line of sight. One analysis says every Woodpecker pulse carries a sophisticated carrier. Each pulse lasts 3100 microseconds."
Bob Symes : « Over a sequence of a 100 microseconds intervals, the signal is counted as a zero until it reverses phase or direction. Phase reversal changes the zero to one. Each further reversal forges 1 to 0 and back again until all the pulses have been transmitted. The final list gives what is called a maximum length pseudorandom binary sequence, a unique code. When a signal returns from an approaching object it can only be used if its pattern matches precisely the pattern of the transmitter signal a sort of key that fits into a lock. The result gives a radar system which can see five times further than any ordinary radar of the same power or more likely five times more accurately at the same distance. »
2nd hypothesis: Mind interference and behavioral modification
Bob Symes: Andrew Michrowski is an official working for the Canadian government in Ottawa. In his spare time he runs a group called Planetary Association for Clean Energy, PACE for short ( PACE thinks the Russians are using a Tesla transmitter to affect the way we behave.
A. Michrowski: Now, the signals, especially the one that you see on the oscilloscope, which are magnetic only, by the way that's the Soviet signal, that happens to be something that can work on my brain and anybody on this planet at this time. Because it is the same frequency, in the same frequency range, and it is also the same type of activity that goes on in our brain. That is the terrible thing about this signal. The capacity to impose on the way people would quote “think”. This thinking, what I'm talking about is the thinking of being “peaceful”, the ability to be calm, the ability to rationalize; all these are affected, from the purely mental point of view, by signals of this nature.
Bob Symes: Is there any defense? This personal transmitter puts out 7.8 cycles per second, which Michrowski says is a natural planetary frequency the body is tuned to. It swamps the incoming signal from the Woodpecker. Remove the transmitter’s protective field and the Russian signal reasserts itself.
A. Michrowski: It is being used as far as we're aware of by the German civil service (...), and it is mainly a protective mechanism to ensure that the German civil servant, especially on external affairs duty, is able to keep his composure for negotiations, especially with other people, other countries, to make sure that they're not influenced.
Bob Symes: The German government denies using the microset but Michrowski is sure it works.
(An abridged video referring to the countermeasure is found at
CNN Special Assignment (1985) "Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap?" :
Electromagnetic frequency weapons, RF weapons, electromagnetic mind control research
(DeCaro)"Though the official Defense Department explanation of the Woodpecker is that it is an over-the-horizon Radar designed to track U.S. missile launches, some scientists suspect that the Woodpecker is designed to interfere with human brain function."
Dr. Becker: "As far as I am concerned, the potential that this has for producing a direct psychoactive effect upon a total American population is there, has never been disproven."
(DeCaro)"Dr. Robert Becker is a pioneer in the field of bioeffects of electromagnetism."
Dr. Becker: "The single range within which the Woodpecker operates is that which has been reported by many investigators to produce a tranquilizing effect upon animals."
Dr. Beck: "We are just incredibly sensitive to these magnetic stimuli."
(DeCaro)"Dr. Bob Beck, a PhD in nuclear engineering has done extensive research into electromagnetic effects on humans."
Dr. Beck: "The signal was permeating power grids in the United States, it was being picked up by power lines, reradiated, it was coming into the homes in light circuits."
The Soviet Woodpecker signal as an early-warning signal, a submarine communication signal and a biological by-product signal
From the book "The Body Electric" by Robert Becker (Author), Gary Selden (Contributor), p.324
"However, Robert Beck, a Los Angeles physicist who regularly serves as a DOD consultant, told me that the signal has a threefold purpose.
He said it acts as a crude over-the-horizon radar that would pick up a massive first strike of U.S. missiles if Soviet spy satellites and other detectors were knocked out.
Second, the signal's modulations are an ELF medium for communicating with submarines underwater.
Third, he claimed the signal has a biological by-product about which he promised further information. Of course, I haven't been able to contact him since."
Was the Soviet Woodpecker signal inducing magnetic resonance?